‘Tis the Season for Taxes and Hackers

US tax form for taxation concept background

Hackers make a lot of efforts to steal your personal information.

Tax season can be pretty frustrating on its own. Between tracking down all of those financial documents and actually sitting down to do them, many people are still putting it off. However, in the age of the internet, you should also worry about the threat of hackers while you work on your taxes. We’re going to dive into the W-2 scam that is getting the better of many taxpayers this season. Ready to get started?

How does this phishing scam work?

As with any good phishing scam, the hacker begins by waiting until the moment is right. Tax season marks a busy and often hectic time in the lives of HR professionals. The hacker then sends an email to those who administer W-2’s and asks for personal information by posing as an authorized executive or other member of the company. If the person gives the hacker the personal information, this could spell disaster for those affected.

What can you do to avoid having hackers get ahold of your personal information?

We’ve said this before and we’re going to keep saying it: The best way to keep your personal information safe is to get educated about phishing scams. The more you know about how hackers think, the safer you are going to be. Always make sure that the people who are asking for sensitive documents are actually the people that they claim to be. You should also be wary of any incoming links from unverified sources. Being careful and aware on the internet isn’t just a suggestion. It’s the way you need to think to ensure that you’re staying safe. This is especially important for those of you who work in jobs that require you to handle sensitive information. Most hacks and scams follow clear patterns. Stay on top of them and you’ll have a much better chance of keeping your data safe.

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Global Harvest Networks has been working for the Washington D.C., Maryland, and Virginia areas since 2000 and we’re ready to lend our expertise to you! We offer a wide range of IT solutions that can tackle any and all of your network’s needs. Please don’t hesitate to contact us so that we can help you! You can also give us a call at 410-691-1130. We’re ready to assess your system, diagnose the problem, and help you find a plan that will strengthen your network all free of charge!

‘Tis the Season for Taxes and Hackers
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‘Tis the Season for Taxes and Hackers
We’re going to dive into the W-2 scam that is getting the better of many taxpayers this season. Ready to get started?
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Global Harvest Networks
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