Making Data Security a Priority for Your Business

Making Data Security a Priority for Your Business

One of the biggest challenges you will have to overcome involves data security.

Running a business, and a successful one at that comes with many challenges. One of the biggest challenges you will have to overcome involves data security. Here are some ways your company can make data security a priority.

Change Your Passwords

First of all, consider changing your passwords to help ensure data security. Keep a sheet that lists your old passwords in case you need to refer back to them, but be sure to create all new passwords. Even if you typically use a standard password, try to make variations based on whatever you need the password for. Avoid using the word “password” as yours, since it is far too simplistic and easy to crack. You should also include two-factor verification to access your network; you could ask for the password and the old password together, for instance.

Enhance Network Security

The next step is to enhance your network security measures. One such measure is called Unified Threat Management. Through UTM, you can add a firewall to help protect your network, and by extension, improve your overall data security capabilities. The UTM can also help block spam, viruses, and hide content that you believe doesn’t belong in a work environment. However, taking these two important steps will take some initiative on the part of your employees.

Retrain Your Employees

One more way to improve your company’s data security is to retrain your employees. Teach them how to create better passwords, how to respond whenever a data breach occurs, and how to prevent a phishing or email scam attack. Even if your IT department is small and you can’t afford to expand that area of your company, you can help train your employees to be members of the IT department on their own whenever a potential situation arises. That way, they can contact the IT department for further assistance whenever necessary.

IT Solutions and Network Protection from Global Harvest Networks

Global Harvest Networks has been working for the Washington D.C., Maryland, and Virginia areas since 2000 and we’re ready to lend our expertise to you! We offer a wide range of IT solutions that can tackle any and all of your network’s needs. Please don’t hesitate to contact us so that we can help you! You can also give us a call at 443-270-0401. We’re ready to assess your system, diagnose the problem, and help you find a plan that will strengthen your network, all free of charge! For more information on the latest things you should protect your system from, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

Making Data Security a Priority for Your Business
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Making Data Security a Priority for Your Business
One of the biggest challenges you will have to overcome involves data security. Here are ways your company can make data security a priority.
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Global Harvest Networks
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