Find Out How Malware is Spreading Through WhatsApp

A phone with a wifi signal above it.

How is WhatsApp being targeted by hackers?

There are many different kinds of messaging services available to the masses. Skype, Facebook Messenger, Google Hangouts and others have all had their share of malware related problems. This time, it’s WhatsApp’s turn. WhatsApp is a very popular messaging service that operates completely through the use of wifi as opposed to standard SMS. It is currently being targeted by malicious individuals, so let’s take a look at how you can stay safe.

Viruses, Scams, and Hoaxes! Oh my!

One of the latest issues within WhatsApp is a very legitimate looking scam to steal the personal information of its users. This scam involves hackers pretending to be members of the NDA (National Defense Academy) or the NIA (National Investigation Agency) and then prompting victims to open a malicious file. This file could be a jpeg, PDF, or even and Excel spreadsheet. Rather than providing information or what have you, the file is filled with malware that immediate downloads when opened. This malware then uncovers and gathers personal information, including banking information, and returns it to the hacker. As always, you should never download an attachment from a source that you do not know. That is going to be the easiest way to avoid this hack.

Always check your sources on apps like WhatsApp.

One of the most popular hoaxes and scams that hackers use is the one where they claim that a free app will soon require payment. Facebook has gone through this hoax many times and every time, it has been nothing more than an attempt to fleece users. WhatsApp is now undergoing the same type of scam. Users are being approached with messages saying that they can “finally use” something called “WhatsApp Gold.” Though the features described sound great, this is nothing more than a lie. If an app says that it is free, it’s most likely going to stay that way. Make sure to check verifiable sources before agreeing to pay for anything.

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Find Out How Malware is Spreading Through WhatsApp
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Find Out How Malware is Spreading Through WhatsApp
Skype, Facebook Messenger, Google Hangouts and others have all had their share of malware related problems. This time, it’s WhatsApp’s turn.
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Global Harvest Networks
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