One of the most important things to keep in mind when creating your disaster recovery plan is to remember that humans are not infallible.
You spent a lot of your valuable time developing a workable disaster recovery plan so that in the event of a network failure, your company’s data remains safe. However, a lot of companies are so focused on data security when they create their plans that they fail to take the human element into account. When a disaster strikes, it’s incredibly stressful for your business’s employees. You need to be sure that your plan has absolutely every little detail accounted for. Your employees are smart and they are good at what they do, but all of those skills will not do any good if they are panicking. One of the most important things to keep in mind when creating your disaster recovery plan is to remember that humans are not infallible.
Don’t Assume that Everyone Involved Needs the Plan to Succeed
Whoever developed your business’s disaster recovery plan did so with every intention of making sure you make it through anything that happens. Unfortunately, not everyone involved in the execution of that plan is going to be as invested. You try hard to hire the best employees who will do their best for your company every single day, but the fact of the matter is that no one cares about your business and its success as much as you do. If disaster strikes and your network fails or is infiltrated, you will need to have safeguards in place to make sure everyone involved in your disaster recovery plan does the job that was assigned to them.
Placing Blame
Humans are not perfect. We are really good at messing things up. When someone messes something up at work, their first reaction is usually to make it look like the mess up wasn’t their fault. No one wants to be blamed for anything and they will do whatever they have to in order to achieve that. Every level of employee, from the mail room and the interns all the way up to the CEO needs to be held accountable for their part in the disaster recovery plan.
IT Solutions and Network Protection from Global Harvest Networks
Global Harvest Networks has been working for the Washington D.C., Maryland, and Virginia areas since 2000 and we’re ready to lend our expertise to you! We offer a wide range of IT solutions that can tackle any and all of your network’s needs. Please don’t hesitate to contact us so that we can help you! You can also give us a call at 410-691-1130. We’re ready to assess your system, diagnose the problem, and help you find a plan that will strengthen your network all free of charge! For more information on the latest things you should protect your system from, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, and YouTube.