Network Security & Anti-Virus
Protect yourself in everything you do on the Internet. Ensure your network’s security by letting GHN guard your network from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, bots, spyware, spam, and hackers.
GHN is diligent about network security in the following areas:
- Email security
- Server and workstation management
- Network monitoring
- Firewall
- Anti-virus
While the Internet is likely one of your your most valuable business tools, the more exposure to the Internet, the higher your vulnerability for IT disasters and your mission critical data. Let us guard your network, 24/7 with Constant Care. We serve clients across Baltimore, Baltimore County, Carroll County, Harford County, Howard County, Anne Arundel County and Montgomery County, Maryland.

Service Type
Network Security & Anti-Virus Setup
Provider Name
Global Harvest Networks,
P.O. Box 1381,Severna Park,Maryland-21146,
Telephone No.(410) 691-1130
Telephone No.(410) 691-1130
Protect your business in everything you do on the Internet. Ensure your network’s security by letting Global Harvest Networks guard your network from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, bots, spyware, spam, and hackers.